Genre for our Short Film

 For our film, Keira and I wanted to create something similar to productions we love. The explain it in a surface level way, we will be putting together a Drama/Thriller film.

The genre at heart will be most closely resembled in a piece like “Oceans Eleven”. The heist and thriller aspect will be shown, but without seeing the heist itself. 

“Ocean’s Eleven”, directed by Steven Soderbergh, 2001

What makes the project different, however, is that it will not be a thriller/ heist film from the start. It starts as a romance film (seemingly). 

It will be most similar to “La La Land,” about two people who are fighting and seem to be different people at heart. We will not get to see all of this, as it is only in the first scene. This romantic part we see is the distraction for the heist they are planning. It also serves to distract the audience and confuse them when the genre changes.  

“La La Land”, directed by Damien Chazelle, 2016

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Project Components

Now... without further ado, I am so happy to show everyone my short film, Takeout. ENJOY!!!!! Takeout (Link) INSTAGRAM LINK PO...