Hey everyone! I am currently on my spring break in Europe. I am having so much fun and I decided to use some of the scenery, new people I have met, and free time to influence my film opening.
Europe is so different than America and I think this transition has helped me to realize that there are truly so many ways I can do my project. Before I was thinking of a set way of telling this story and directing this but I think after certain experiences I’ve learned a few things.
First off, it’s so easy to become invisible. Anywhere you go, especially a brand new places, it is so easy to blend into your surroundings and just become a different person. I can use this for the opening, as it is Logan’s problem throughout the film. I can direct the actors in a way so that he gets the persona across. Logan is afraid of getting caught, but at the same time he’s super smart and knows how to blend into the community and stay away from cops and being a suspect.
Another thing I learned is how different people truly are. I am so used to a certain group of people, as a lot of people in South Florida are very similar. Venturing to Europe has showed me how many different ways I can make this character act and deal with his disturbing hobbies.
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